Board of Directors

Meet the HERS Board of Directors, a collection of amazing women in higher education working toward achieving true gender equity in higher education leadership through their respective roles.

Click the photos to learn more about each board member.

Kimberly Kvaal, EdD

Kimberly Kvaal, Ed.D.

HERS Board Chair, Audit Committee Chair, Executive Committee

Kristen Hodge-Clark, Ph.D.

Kristen Hodge-Clark, Ph.D.

HERS Board Vice Chair, Audit Committee Chair, Executive Committee, Nominations & Governance Committee

Sandra L. Cassady, Ph.D.

HERS Board Treasurer, Finance & Investment Committee Chair, Audit Committee, Executive Committee

Antionette J. Marbray, J.D.

Antionette J. Marbray, J.D.

HERS Board Secretary, Audit Committee, Executive Committee

Brooke Barnett, Ph.D.

Brooke Barnett, Ph.D.

Nominations & Governance Committee Chair, Audit Committee, Executive Committee

Sue Borrego

Sue Borrego, Ph.D.

Advancement Committee

Isabelle Cherney

Isabelle Cherney, Ph.D.

Nominations & Governance Committee

Kristin G. Esterberg

Kristin G. Esterberg, Ph.D.

Finance & Investment Committee

Carine Feyten, Ph.D.

Carine Feyten, Ph.D.

Advancement Committee

Stephanie Fujii, Ph.D.

Stephanie Fujii, Ph.D.

Advancement Committee

Beatriz González, Ph.D.

Beatriz González, Ph.D.

Advancement Committee Chair

Debora Johnson-Ross

Debora Johnson-Ross, Ph.D.

Nominations & Governance Committee

Jann L. Joseph

Jann L. Joseph, Ph.D.

Finance & Investment Committee

Nora Miller

Nora Miller, Ph.D.

Finance & Investment Committee

Pamela Scott-Johnson

Pamela Scott-Johnson, Ph.D.

Nominations & Governance Committee

Lynnette Zelezny

Lynnette Zelezny, Ph.D., M.B.A.

Nominations & Governance Committee

Carolyn P. Landis

Carolyn P. Landis

HERS Chair Emerit

S. Georgia Nugent, Ph.D.

S. Georgia Nugent, Ph.D.

HERS Chair Emerit

Bronte Burleigh-Jones

Bronté Burleigh-Jones, Ph.D.

HERS Director Emerit